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We will guide you to the right procedure and ensure that the requirements are processed properly complying with all required rules and regulations of the Ministry of Labor.

The Wage Protection System (WPS) is a system initiated by Ministry of Administrative Development, Labour and Social Affairs (MADLSA) and Qatar Central Bank (QCB) to monitor the process of worker's salary payment.
The Wage Protection System (WPS) ensures that workers in Qatar receive their salaries through an electronic salary transfer system which allows companies and institutions to pay employees via banks which have been approved and authorized to provide the service.
MADLSA, with the support of the QCB, verifies all salary payments , and these payments will be compared to official records such as visa quota and visa numbers, employment contract and salary details to ensure the correct salaries are paid to holders of valid visas. Expatriates receiving a salary in a foreign country will be required to open a local bank account and will receive the salary in Qatari riyals.
The companies who fails to do so will be penalized with affordable fines and charges and rather their licenses are being blocked.
Elite Projects PRO Services offers Wage Protection System Consultancy that includes the right procedure and ensures that the requirements are processed properly complying with all required rules and regulations of the Ministry of Labour.
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2nd Floor, Office 21, Al Yamama Building, Street 340 Near Family Food Land, Salwa Rd, Doha
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