The Ministry of Commerce and Industry (MOCI)
Minister: H.E. Sheikh Mohammed Bin Hamad Bin Qassim Al-Abdullah Al-Thani
It is responsible for overseeing commercial and industrial activities for the State of Qatar, directing these activities in accordance with the requirements of national development.
Implementing policies related to commercial registrations, trade agents, and commercial entities in Qatar.
Market monitoring and regulation of the private sector.
Management and oversight of the Commercial Registry and Trade Agents Register.
Reviewing commercial license applications.
Keeping a record of economic, professional, and commercial craftsmanship activities.
Issuing commercial licenses.
Verifying Qatari, GCC, Arab and international food and fodder certificates.
Reviewing Trade Agency contracts to ensure they meet standards.
Developing and implementing terms and conditions related to the principle of reciprocity for countries exporting goods and commodities that have approved local agents.
Processing new sales promotion applications and monitoring retail outlets that have been granted permission to carry out prize draws and distribution of gifts.
+974 4487 0912 / 7022 0052