Applications may take a longer time to get results. If you are experiencing inconveniences along the waiting time and you wish to cancel the application, follow this blog.
Cancellation is applied manually in the Ministry of Labour (MADLSA). It can be applied by the employee or the mandoob of the new company.
Please see below the required attachments to apply for cancellation.
Most Important Letter is the Arabic Letter from the employee and the Arabic Letter of Cancellation from the new employer.
Hi Elite. Can i ask if ever employee cancelled the approved change of sponsorship for the new company because of internal reasons. Are she/he oblige to go back to her/his previous company or does her old company can file her ran away?
hi meena i want to ask how long will it take for me to get a message from adsla stating that my cancellation for change in sponsorship has been approved. I went to Wakra labour today and filed the Arabic Translation cancellation letter as I was advised by my previous employer to cancel it personally? 33949591
me also need to cancel application in adlsa. bcos my urgent my new company need to cancel they cannot proceed until have pending application mybe i lost the job apportunity pls help may no. 50248992
I want cancel my ADLSA ,WITHOUT my permission they change. I am not interested for this process,pls help me...
Can someone help I need to cancel my transfer in ADLSA it's still under review process 70754145